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Pharmacology Study Guide
Unlock the perfect prescription for success with our Pharmacology Nursing Bundle! Dive into a world of drug knowledge and patient care, where every dose counts. Elevate your nursing skills with comprehensive resources, mastering the art of medication management and ensuring optimal patient outcomes.-> Power packed pharmacology notes with 144-pages-> Master the medicine with mnemonics-> Your prescription for success with cheat sheets-> Master drug terminologies with prefixes and suffixes-> Numerous Medications & Antidotes listsTopics included:->Introduction to Pharmacology:•Common Drugs Prefixes and suffixes•Therapeutic Levels & Antidotes->Pharmaceutical Administration:•Drug delivery routes->Medication risk management:•Storage•Handling•Administration techniques•Error & reaction prevention->Pharmacological Categories and Activation Mechanisms:•Drug classes & Actions->Unfavourable effects caused by medications:•Common & serious side effects•Nursing interventions• Patient Education and Monitoring->Drug safety and efficacy in special populations:- Medication effects and dose modifications in :•Paediatrics•Geriatrics•Pregnant populations- Dosing consideration in special patient groups ->Medication Strategies for managing common diseases:•Hypertension•Diabetes•Asthma•Infections ->Cardiac medications:->Chemotherapy Drugs->Tuberculosis medications->Endocrine medications-> Analgesic Drugs, Anesthetics and Antibiotics->Musculoskeletal medications:-> Psychiatric medications->Respiratory system drugs:->Gastrointestinal Medications:->Drug reference cards-> NCLEX tips-> Everything you will ever need for your Pharmacology class & NCLEXYou can study pharmacology and get ready for nursing examinations by using the Pharmacology Notes template, which is well-structured and simple to use. Happy learning!
Content Updated: 2025 based on several textbooks and lectures